Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

A Message From The Chair


On February 17th the KGOP Delegation of 39 delegates and 39 alternates traveled to the Lansing Center to participate in the MIGOP State Convention. On that Friday night the 4th congressional district met in conference room #7 to elect the District Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as each County’s State and District representatives.

The rules had previously been unanimously agreed upon and adopted by the six County chairs.  Each County would have time to caucus and elect their nominees, if they hadn’t done so at the time of the Convention, this time would take place after the election of the District Officers.  The County’s also had agreed (Rule #6) to number of State and District County seats were allocated per unanimous agreement.

Rule #9 of the 4th Congressional District established this process for each County to caucus and select their nominees as follows:

9. Nomination Process for State (6) and District (15) Committee openings.

Each County will caucus and its voting delegates shall elect the nominees for each State & District position assigned to said county, as available (per schedule – section 5).

County chairs will announce their nominees to the District delegation at large. The District delegation shall accept as final, each counties nominees.

If a County does not fill all of their allotted nominees for State and or District seats, those empty seats (lacking a county nominated representative) shall be filled by the District Delegation.

This rule ensured that individual County’s got to choose and elect their own representatives to the number of allotted seats for their County. This rule was later modified to take out the following sentence, “The District delegation shall accept as final, each counties nominees.”

Within minutes of the meeting being called to order at 7pm, a delegate from Kalamazoo County proposed a motion to set aside rule #9 and exclude Kalamazoo County from this process. The motion was seconded by another delegate from Kalamazoo County. The rule change would allow the entire district, which included 5 other County’s, to vote on the Kalamazoo County seats.

The rule change silenced the voices and diluted the votes of the duly elected Kalamazoo County Delegation. Instead of the 39 Kalamazoo County delegates choosing and electing their own representatives to the 4th District, 135 delegates from other counties were able to vote on Kalamazoo County seats.

All of the other counties in the district got to choose who their own representatives to the District Executive Committee and State Committee would be…except Kalamazoo County.


The KGOP organization is committed to protecting its members and stakeholders from nefarious actions and actors. Due to what happened at the District Caucus, the KGOP Chair called a special closed executive committee meeting on March 1st, 2023.                                         At the meeting, the individuals that orchestrated and perpetrated the actions that took place at the District Caucus were censured, their KGOP membership revoked, and their dues refunded.

We take seriously the many complaints which were brought forth after the Convention.  As the leader of the KGOP it is my duty to insure that the overall safety and health of the organization and its members it protected, as such there will be appropriate measures taken to protect our organization and its members.


As an organization we are committed to protecting our members interest and creating a positive environment moving forward.  The KGOP will be laser focused on spreading the Republican platform and message to the citizens of Kalamazoo County.

The KGOP has 21 working groups and committees made up of delegates and members who are actively working to better the organization and help make a stronger and growing Republican Party in Kalamazoo. We plan to move forward, growing the party and work vigorously this Fall to assist candidates in the Fall Municipal Elections. 

Additionally, the KGOP delegate training committee is ready to prepare our delegates for the upcoming election and for the Presidential cycle in 2024.  We will be hosting monthly delegate meetings for training and bringing forth speakers who will make Kalamazoo County the model of the State, with our new delegate data tools and walk apps.  Designed by delegates for delegates. 

One final thing, we would like everyone to  welcome Karen Williams, who has been appointed as the Chair of the KGOP Precinct Delegate Committee.

Most Grateful to Serve,

Kelly Sackett