Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

4th District News

Kalamazoo County Republican Committee (KGOP)

Resolution to Censure Kendall (Ken) Beyer


Kendall Beyer, in the past year has repeatedly and purposefully attempted to insinuate himself, without invitation or authority, into the affairs of the Kalamazoo County Republican Committee, thereby fomenting disruption, disunity and division. He has promoted and supported those elements resolved to “burn down the party.” Just this week, Kendall Beyer has sent out communication supporting the attendance of precinct delegates at an unauthorized “Convention” event, aimed at furthering this disruption, disunity, and division.


Kendall Beyer has encouraged and supported intra-party litigation within the KGOP, thereby pitting members against members, sowing distrust and dislike. As Chair of the 4th Congressional District, he called a special meeting on July 20, 2023 in order to hold a “kangaroo court” to petition the MIGOP to remove Kelly Sackett, Chair of the Kalamazoo County Republican Committee, knowing that her legal counsel would be out-of-town and unable to represent her.


Kendall Beyer has made numerous and repeated false accusations regarding Kelly Sackett, Chair of the Kalamazoo County Republican Committee, including “abuse and mis-use” of her authority, willful breaking of Michigan law as well as KGOP By-Laws, all-the-while knowing full well the issues involved surrounding her actions were before the 9th Circuit Court of Kalamazoo County. He promulgated to party members citations of inapplicable statutes, mis-leading and incoherent interpretations of law, and misstatements of facts. He did so intending to sow confusion and distrust.


The 9th Circuit Court of Kalamazoo County has vindicated the actions of the Chair and the KGOP Executive Committee alike in its August 10, 2023 decision; to date Kendall Beyer has offered no retractions.


In a deposition taken July 17th, 2023, Kendall Beyer, under oath, admitted to and reaffirmed public statements he had made on-line regarding KGOP member Dr. Tamara Mitchell, who is also a member of the clergy, by stating the following:

“I’m saying that she [Dr. Tamara Mitchell] should call herself a missionary and the only way she could say she is a missionary is if she were on her back with her legs spread, yes…”

This unfathomable and misogynistic remark is denigrating, vulgar, and completely unacceptable. His statement also referenced threats of violent bodily harm toward Dr. Tamara Mitchell.

No person in the Republican Party should be allowed to serve in a position of authority having made such assertions, and those assertions are thoroughly denounced and rejected by the KGOP.

Now, Therefore Let It Be Resolved That:

The Kalamazoo County Republican Committee by vote of its Executive Committee, hereby Censures Michigan Congressional District 4 Chair Kendall Beyer, condemns his disruptive actions, false statements, accusations and allegations, along with his sexually demeaning statements and threats of bodily harm towards another Party Member, and, bars him from attending and or participating in any and all KGOP activities; entering any properties owned, leased, or occupied by the KGOP; engaging with, and or being involved in any way with the KGOP.

We demand he resign from his position as 4th District Chair immediately.

And, to the extent he may have created liability on the part of the MIGOP, we call upon the MIGOP Corporation Counsel to act accordingly to protect the interests of the Party.

August 14th, 2023