Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Meeting Policy

Providing a Safe and Respectful Environment

The Kalamazoo County Republican Committee (KGOP) is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all participants at KGOP events and meetings. We expect participants and volunteers to:

  • Be considerate and respectful in your speech and actions.
  • Refrain from behavior and speech that could be perceived as demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and your fellow participants.

If you experience or witness harassment during a KGOP or meeting, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of KGOP staff immediately. All reports are confidential. Unacceptable behavior from any participant while attending an event or meeting will not be tolerated. KGOP reserves the right to take any action necessary to respond to violations of this policy including immediate removal from the event or meeting without refund, loss of membership, and or prohibited in future KGOP activities.

Our goal is to provide exceptional educational experiences and networking opportunities that make attendees and their communities more successful, and in an environment that is safe for all. To achieve this goal, we expect all attendees to adhere to the meeting and event requirements.

Photo and Video Usage

Photos and videos taken by KGOP staff and contractors may be used in communications and promotional material, including on social media platforms and for future KGOP events and programs. Event participants are prohibited from recording or livestreaming KGOP events and meetings without prior permission.

Media Attendance

Media interested in attending an event or meeting should contact the Corporate Communications Manager KGOP is a membership organization with the goal of providing advocacy, training, and electing county officials. All KGOP events are closed to the media. For meetings where media are invited, members of the media must first provide proper credentials to be admitted. KGOP reserves the right to limit participation of the media at any of our events and meetings.  

Private Events Held During a Conference

All events and meetings scheduled in conjunction with a KGOP meetings, events, conferences or trainings must be pre-approved. In addition, any use of the KGOP name or logo must be reviewed and approved. If you plan to hold an event, please contact to receive the approval form and additional information. Please note that requirements differ based on conference program and venue.