Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Kalamazoo County Republican Party Resolution Demanding the Resignation of Ken (Kendall) Beyer as Chair of Michigan Congressional District 4

WHEREAS, On July 17, 2023 Ken Beyer, Michigan Congressional District 4 Chair while under oath stated, “I’m saying that she [Dr. Tamara Mitchell] should call herself a missionary and the only way that she could say that she is a missionary is if she were on her back with her legs spread, yes.”,

WHEREAS, his statement is sexually denigrating and vulgar,

WHEREAS, his sexually denigrating and vulgar statement against a female member of the clergy is repulsive,

WHEREAS, the Kalamazoo County Republican Party strongly denounces his sexually denigrating and vulgar statement,

WHEREAS, the sexually denigrating and vulgar views of Ken Beyer do not represent the views of the Kalamazoo County Republican Party,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kalamazoo County Republican Party condemns Ken Beyer’s sexually denigrating and vulgar statement, will not recognize Ken Beyer as Michigan Congressional District 4 Chair and demand that he immediately resign from the Michigan Congressional District 4 Chairmanship,

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be transmitted
to the Michigan House Republican Caucus, Michigan Senate Republican Caucus,
Michigan Republican Congressional Delegation, each Michigan County Republican
Party and others as deemed necessary.


Dr. Tamara Mitchell
Kelly Sackett
Charley Coss
Kathleen Olmsted
Ron Austin
Roger & Nancy McMillan
Corey Spencer
Joanne Webber
Lee Hutt
Nicole C Wagner
Fred Krymis
Brian Kincaid
Tony Lorentz
Jason Mikkelborg
Matthew DePerno
Karen Williams
Corey Spencer
Nicole Sabel
Carrie Prendergast
Janet Quiring
Dr. Lloyd Peterson
Terry Haines
John Gisler
Wendy Mazer