Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The Large Labor Industrial Complex scored a big win last week when the Democrats in the State Senate voted to overturn a 2012 “Right to Work” law. Big Union bosses were celebrating, as now it will be mandatory for workers to pay union dues. More money for Union bosses which will equal more money to Democrat political campaigns. 

The 2012 Right to Work law, has large support amongst the people of Michigan, with 60% in support and only 17% disapprove. A majority of Union households also support the 2012 law, according to a survey by  Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

Repealing Right to Work  was a promise that Governor Whitmer and other Democrats made in their 2022 campaigns…did the people of Michigan not think they were serious?  Now the blue collar worker will no longer have a choice to pay into the union, even if he or she disagrees with the union’s policies or politics. Par for the course, this is a Democrat “shut up and sit down” statement made to the average Michigander. 

For the last 40 years we didn’t know what Democrats controlling all three branches (Governor, Legislature, MI Supreme Court) would actually look like, but now we know. Shut up and sit down seems to be the governance policy of Democrats in Michigan. 

The five big unions gave almost exclusively to Democrats in Michigan during the 2022 election cycle, according to a report by Bridge MI. 

State Senator Thomas Albert, who represents a portion of Kalamazoo County, said on the Senate floor that  “This isn’t about policy, It’s about politics. This is basically a political fundraiser being launched at the state Capitol.”

Republican Leader Matt Hall (Kalamazoo) said that “The rushed Democrat pay cut plan, which would repeal Michigan’s right-to-work law, will steer workers and businesses away from our state, when we’re already falling behind. 

Republican Minority Leader State Senator Aric Nesbbit said “It has become painfully clear the narrow Democratic majority in the Legislature care little about improving the lives of Michigan workers and taxpayers and more about padding the pockets of their most powerful benefactors.

“Repealing Right to Work denies Michigan workers the right to choose whether they wish to be a member of a union and compels them to pay their dues or lose their jobs. In addition to being a disgraceful denial of individual freedom and self-determination, this action will effectively put a ‘closed for business’ sign on the state by drying up economic development opportunities, driving out businesses, weakening our communities, and endangering the stability of Michigan families.”

A top priority for Republicans going into the 2024 election cycle should be reinstating “Right to Work” to ensure workers have a choice and a voice.