Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Last night the Kalamazoo County Republican Executive Committee voted unanimously to Formally Censure Kristina Karamo & Melinda Pego and Demand Their Resignations

Here is the resolution:


WHEREAS, the primary purpose of the Michigan Republican Party (“MRP”), as set forth in Article II of the party bylaws, is “(1) to work for the election of nominees of the Republican Party in Michigan, and (2) work in close cooperation with other Republican state, district and county organizations;”

WHEREAS, the 2024 Presidential Election is less than one year away, and the current MRP administration led by Chair Kristina Karamo and Co-Chair Malinda Pego, has failed to fulfill its primary duty to the Republican Voters of Michigan; instead, Karamo and Pego have engaged in a continuous assault on autonomy of district and county committees and have created division within the party;

WHEREAS, under Karamo and Pego’s lack of leadership, transparency, and inability to raise money, the party has fallen in to a debt spiral, incurring unsustainable debt and creating a dire situation for our Party;

WHEREAS, Karamo and Pego have embarked on a systematic effort to destroy the MRP through efforts to erode confidence in the party;

WHEREAS, their actions became particularly revealing December 3, 2023 when Karamo and Pego engaged in two actions that have further divided the party and created additional harm and embarrassment to the party:

1.       In the first instance, on December 8, 2023, Karamo and Pego filed a lawsuit on behalf of the entire MRP state central committee against the former party chairs and Comerica Bank. This lawsuit, widely declared frivolous by multiple attorneys throughout the state and without including all district and county committees as defendants and necessary parties, demands (1) that MRP be permitted to sell a building it does not own, (2) that ownership in and the exclusive use of the name “Michigan Republican Party,” be granted to Karamo and Pego, and (3) that “the exclusive right to designate political committees and county political committees” be given to Karamo and Pego. This is an attempted takeover and threatens the autonomy of all district and county committees. This lawsuit is an embarrassment on the MRP and all county and district committees;

2.       In the second instance, on December 8, 2023, Karamo and Pego engaged in efforts to unseat RNC Committeeman Dr. Rob Steele by helping Ralph Rebandt collect signature to run for RNC Committeeman. Dr. Steele has been working hard as Michigan’s RNC Committeeman to build coalitions, trust, and support among Republicans across Michigan and the RNC. Dr. Steele has been working hard to ensure Michigan Republican candidates are supported by a “ballot chase” program and “get-out-the-vote” efforts (both of which have been ignored by Karamo and Pego). Less than a year before the 2024 general election, Karamo and Pego are focused on removing Dr. Steele rather than on winning elections. This action will divert Dr. Steele’s attention away from helping Michigan Republican candidates win elections and instead force him into a campaign to retain his seat. Karamo and Pego’s efforts to replace Dr. Steele violate the MRP bylaws and create division during a time when unity is required;

WHEREAS, Karamo and Pego’s lack of support for elected Republican office holders and Candidates runs contrary to the primary role of the office in which they hold;

WHEREAS, Karamo and Pego have created division, refused assistance from the RNC, refused to cooperate with most county and district committees, and have encouraged their followers to violate state and county party bylaws, which has created chaos and discord throughout the State;

WHEREAS, it is time for Karamo and Pego, as well as Dan Hartman, Robert Owens, James Copas, Joel Studebaker, and Lori Skibo (and any members who have contributed to this disheveling of our once Great State Republican Party) to either resign or be removed by the state central committee.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kalamazoo County Republican Party demands that Kristina Karamo, Malinda Pego, and their administration, immediately resign and turn over all Financial Information and Operational Control to the MRP state central committee so that action can be taken to elect a new MRP chair and co-chair.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Karamo and Pego are hereby formally censured for filing the frivolous lawsuit that (1) attempts to sell a building MRP does not own, (2) attempts to take control over county and district committees, and (3) attempts to limit use of the Republican brand to all Michigan Republicans.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Karamo and Pego are hereby formally censured for working against Dr. Rob Steele during an election year because their actions violate the MRP bylaws and take away his valuable time required to help candidates win elections.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Karamo and Pego’s behavior has been destructive to the institution of the MRP and our republic, and is inconsistent with the MRP bylaws and Republican principles.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Michigan House Republican Caucus, Michigan Senate Republican Caucus, Michigan Republican Congressional Delegation, each Michigan County Republican Party, MRP State Committee, and others as deemed necessary.


Kelly Sackett, ChairwomanBrian KincaidKathleen Olmsted
Charley Coss, Vice ChairDan KoshelnykDr. Lloyd Peterson
Ron AustinFred KrymisCarrie Prendergast
Mary BalkemaTony LorentzAlicia Richmond
Matthew DePernoRoger McMillanCal Richmond Jr.
Robert FromanWendy MazerNicole Sabel
John GislerJason MikkelborgJohn Smits
Tom GrahamDr. Tamara MitchellNicole C Wagner
 Terry HainesSam NelsonJoanne Webber
Jeff HepplerDouglas OliverasKaren Williams
 Lee Hutt